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नमस्कार । यहाँहरुलाई हार्दिक स्वागत गर्दछौं । यहाँहरुले लेखेका/रचना गरेका कुनै पनि साहित्यीक रचना छन भने हामीलाई पठाउनु भयो भने हामी पाठक सम्म पुर्‌याउने छौँ । ठेगाना dhanulekali@gmail.com

A Beautiful Poem of Shraban Kumar Mandal Eng




You are my garden

I am your gardener

To sprout rainbow blossoms

At your warden.

Don't hide under the pricky flower

Youth comes once in life

To play hide and seek openly

With your corporal shower.

Youth needs a lecherous game

To play at solitude and secret place

To exploit all our lusty passion

To bring about an off-spring with fame and name.

                                                             Keep aside everything away                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “                                 That harms us in this pleasing game”

Grab it as newly life occasion

‘Coz you are merely my mysterious tray.


By: Shraban Kumar Mandal


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